Message from Board President - Patrick Tefft


Springtime brings with it thoughts and reflections about growth and life anew. Helping Link/Một Dấu Nối is happily settling into our new community HUB* located in Renton. We invite you to drop by for a visit if you have not yet seen it. This is where we now hold classes and gatherings.

*Hope, Unity, Belonging

The swift actions of the new presidential administration have resulted in uncertainty for many of those whose situations involving recent or forthcoming immigrant or refugee status. Helping Link stands in support of those needing information and compassion. Please contact us if you are in need of assistance.

Please mark your calendars to participate in the May 6-7 GiveBIG fundraising event to benefit Helping Link. This annual event raises awareness of local nonprofit organizations and Helping Link is once again participating. Some employers contribute matching funds, so please inquire at your workplace. Then make your donation to benefit Helping Link’s work in the community: GiveBIG HL page link Our goal is to raise $15,000!

I’m so pleased to continue my volunteer service on the Helping Link-Một Dấu Nối Board of Directors. I look to 2025 with much enthusiasm in working to address community needs and challenges, as well as implementing our organizational strategic priorities. Cảm ơn.